Call for papers cosponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme ( – abstract deadline is Aug. 31 with the event in Dec.  The emphasis is on empirical work with clear policy proposals. 

"The event is a research symposium that the Canadian-based Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) is co-hosting with the UNEP Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System in early December. The Convening is intended to address key pertinent theoretical and empirical questions that support the broader applied, policy research agenda concerning the contours of a sustainable financial system.

….The symposium will be for a limited number of people, primarily those who have submitted papers. We will be in a position to provide some support to attend the symposium, which will take place from 1-3 December 2014 in Waterloo, Ontario."

Download CIGI – Inquiry – Research Convening_call_2014 

Anne Tucker