I am passing on the English translation of a call for book chapters issued by a friend and colleague in Dijon, France.  The book is international and has a broad business management focus.


As the editor of a forthcoming book, it is my greatest pleasure to invite you to submit articles as chapters. The tentative title is: Strategic Managerial Approaches to Crowdfunding Online. The book will be published by IGI Global publishers in the USA, within the series “Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage (ABSCA).”

Please read carefully the following guidelines for submission:

The context

The emerging crowdfunding phenomenon is a collective effort by individuals who network and pool their money together, usually via the internet and without any specific conventional financial intermediation, in order to invest in and support for-profit, artistic, and cultural ventures initiative undertaken by other people or organizations. The spontaneous interactions and transactions between individuals allow relatively considerable fund raisings by drawing on small contributions from a relatively large number of individuals using the Internet, without standard financial intermediaries.

The advent of crowdfunding coincides with the democratization of information technologies that enable people to contact, interact, collaborate and exchange at lowest costs, if not for free. In fact, information technologies have allowed the drastic reduction of transaction costs and by the same the revival of ancient forms of transactions such as auctions, barter, tenders, recycling, and direct transactions between individuals.

Many platforms encourage crowdfunding such as Kiva, Babyloan, MyC4 in lending to the poor entrepreneurs, Prosper, Kapipal and Zopa in P2P social lending, Kickstarter, MyMajorCompany in entrepreneurial projects, SellaBand in music, etc.

The objective

While many articles have been published on crowdfunding, there is no text that presents and discusses the different managerial functions of the fast growing phenomenon of crowdfunding.

The aim of this book is to provide, in one concise volume, an accessible book to the principal ideas, theories, and managerial functions of business of crowdfunding. This should build up a reliable foundation to stimulate further reading and thinking about the crowdfunding phenomenon.

The book focuses on management implications and shows readers how each chapter covered in the text is relevant to the actual theory and practice of crowdfunding. This book will provide a comprehensive strategic view of crowdfunding business through a tight, integrated flow between chapters.

Benefits of comprehensiveness and relevance deliver two types of utility to academic and professional readers:

– An ample account and critical analysis of the major theories and research insights in each of the managerial function of crowdfunding, and

– An evident staging of relevance between each material covered in the text and the actual practice of crowdfunding.

The audience

Based on the book’s objective, the following targets will find benefits in this book:

– Researchers who look of a state of the art and an account of the literature in a specific managerial function in the business of crowdfunding,

– Any management or business school course that relates to the entrepreneurship, social business, social innovation, microfinance, crowdsourcing and crowdfunding,

– Managers who need to their businesses of crowdsourcing or crowdfunding, and

– Would-be entrepreneurs who look for fund raising.

Publication format considerations

Number of chapters: approximately 15

Words: 145, 000 – 160,000

Average word number per article: 10,000


Coauthors and researcher colleagues in the networks of conferences and academic publications

Schedule and submission procedure

Proposals: All contribution types require a proposal in the first instance, including a short abstract between 300 and 500 words, up to five keywords, the full names (first name and surname, not initials), email addresses of all authors, and a postal address and telephone number for at least one contact author.

Submission period for the proposals: Up to October 20, 2014.

Acceptance of proposals: By October 30, 2014. As abstract selection notifications will be sent out to relevant authors, please indicate clearly if the contact author is not the lead author.

Full papers: Only required after acceptance of abstract. Papers should not to be more than 10,000 words including abstract, keywords and references.

Due date for full paper submission: December 20, 2014.

Period for revisions and exchanges: Up to March 16, 2015.

Due date for full final paper: April 20, 2015.

Editor and Contact:

Djamchid ASSADI


The Banque Populaire Chair in Microfinance

Burgundy School of Business (France)
