
As we close out the holiday weekend, I offer simple words of respect, admiration, and thanks for those who have sacrificed their lives for all of us.  Amidst the barbecues and beer and whatnot, it is sometimes difficult to remember that we take today to honor our fallen heroes.  Although I spent today working (grades for all courses due tomorrow!), I took time out to remind myself that life is not all about business law prof'ing and contemplate the importance of the day.

The photo above (taken by my brother last year) depicts a gravestone honoring one of our family's military heroes.  He did not die in combat, but he was wounded and received the Congressional Medal of Honor.  Although we honor those kinds of commitments more directly on Veteran's Day, I was thinking about him today–and about the thin line that divides life and death, especially in times of military conflict.

My heart goes out to all who have lost family and friends in the line of battle or otherwise in service to our country.  May those lost servants rest in peace.  And may those who remain take pride in their ultimate sacrifice.