I cannot resist sharing with you today a proud moment that I had last week. One of the 3L students that I mentor wrote a blog post that our Leading as Lawyers blog published. I could not be more proud.
I had been encouraging this student–a young woman I deeply admire–to write a post for us for a number of months. She wasn't sure. But I kept telling her that she had such compelling stories to tell. Nevertheless, she remained unsure until recently that anything she would write could speak in a powerful enough way about leadership.
More recently, the pieces of her professional development puzzle have started to fall into place. As a result she could see it–she found her voice; she knew what she had to say. The result of her labors can be found here. The title alone is enough to make a business law prof proud: The Unlikely Avenue from Hopeful Environmental Litigator to Inspired Transactional Lawyer. You can click on the link and read the post in its entirety. But here is the bottom line:
When I came to law school, I was so scared of “selling out.” I thought that transactional law was the route straight there. It turns out that choosing a path that utilizes my strengths and foregoes my weaknesses was never going to be “selling out.” Choosing transactional law is going to equip me to help animals and people in ways that I had never imagined prior to law school.
Amen. Thanks, Ashley, for giving me this proud moment that I can share. I will miss you after you graduate in a few months . . . .