I learned earlier this week of the death of Brooklyn Law Professor Roberta Karmel.  Roberta was extraordinary, and I miss her already.  Much has been written about her role in our profession–including her service as the first female commissioner at the Securities and Exchange Commission.  I will only add a few personal reflections here.

Roberta was both exacting and compassionate–traits that we sometimes think of as being mutually exclusive.  Small in stature, she somehow was still formidable.  When I first met her in a setting where she was commenting on academic work, I was impressed and intimidated.  Despite my extroversion, I was hesitant to introduce myself and reach out to her in friendship.  When I later admitted that to her, she laughed and (in that inimitable voice we all know and will remember) let me know how silly that was.

Roberta was the honored keynote speaker at our 2009 law graduation (hooding) ceremony at The University of Tennessee College of Law.  She was invited by a student committee that understood well her significance to the law and legal education communities.  She shared details of her life and career with us.  It was inspirational for me, even though I knew parts of the story.  Hearing that history in her own voice was priceless.

I was blessed to be part of a symposium held back in May 2021 to honor Roberta's career.  My paper from that symposium reflects on and extends an earlier published piece of her work.  I offered a post on that paper here.  As I note in that post, having the opportunity to review and dissect Roberta's work helped me in my own.

Thinking about all of this today does make me sad. Roberta's wisdom and voice will no longer add new ideas to the mix.  However, there also is cause for gratitude and hope.  She has left a strong legacy–one that we all can continue to reflect on and use in our work for many years to come.

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Photo of Joan Heminway Joan Heminway

Professor Heminway brought nearly 15 years of corporate practice experience to the University of Tennessee College of Law when she joined the faculty in 2000. She practiced transactional business law (working in the areas of public offerings, private placements, mergers, acquisitions, dispositions, and…

Professor Heminway brought nearly 15 years of corporate practice experience to the University of Tennessee College of Law when she joined the faculty in 2000. She practiced transactional business law (working in the areas of public offerings, private placements, mergers, acquisitions, dispositions, and restructurings) in the Boston office of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP from 1985 through 2000.

She has served as an expert witness and consultant on business entity and finance and federal and state securities law matters and is a frequent academic and continuing legal education presenter on business law issues. Professor Heminway also has represented pro bono clients on political asylum applications, landlord/tenant appeals, social security/disability cases, and not-for-profit incorporations and related business law issues. Read More