AALS Section on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Unincorporated Associations

Calls for Papers

The AALS Section on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Unincorporated Associations is pleased to announce two calls for papers, one for a panel presentation and one for a works-in progress session geared to workshopping the research and writing of junior faculty.

Panel Presentation:

Up to three paper presenters will be selected for the section's principal panel to be held during the AALS 2025 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. The program is entitled Technology's Intersection with Agency, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations. Co-Sponsored by the Sections on Technology, Law and Legal Education and Transactional Law and Skills, the session is designed to explore research and teaching involving the interactions of principal/agent relationships, partnerships, and unincorporated business associations with artificial intelligence, blockchains, cybersecurity, and other technological developments.

Works-in-Progress Session:

The section seeks paper proposals from junior scholars for a works-in-progress program.  Submissions for this session may relate to any topic within the scope of the law governing agency, partnerships, LLCs, or unincorporated associations.

Submission Information: 

To respond to either or both calls for papers, please submit a substantial abstract (five or more pages) or draft of an unpublished paper to Joan Heminway at jheminwa@tennessee.edu before September 6, 2024.  Please remove the author's name and identifying information from the submission. Please include in the submission email your institution, your tenure status, and the number of years you have been in your current position, as well as a statement indicating whether the paper has been accepted for publication and, if not, when you anticipate submitting the article for publication. The subject line of the email should read: "Submission – Panel" or "Submission – WIP Program," as applicable.  Authors of selected papers will be notified in September. Presenters are responsible for paying their registration fee, hotel, and travel expenses.  Inquiries about the section's programs also should be directed to Joan Heminway at jheminwa@tennessee.edu or (865) 974-3813.