Fellow Commissioners Peirce, Crenshaw, and Uyeda offered kind words in a statement issued earlier today on Gary Gensler’s last day on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In the statement, Chair Gensler was praised for being “committed to bipartisan engagement and a respectful exchange of ideas.” The statement ended with a lovely personal testament of gratitude.
Thank you, Chair, for your leadership, your zealous advocacy on behalf of our agency and investors, and your friendship. We are proud to have served this great agency alongside you. Your extensive public service over the past thirty years cautions against saying goodbye; instead, we will say – so long for now.
Chair Gensler also released a video on YouTube relating to his departure from the SEC, which you can find here. It is a useful, quick retrospective. At just a bit more than six minutes in length, it covers a bunch. I offered it up to the students in my Securities Regulation course as something they might want to watch. Among other things, he highlights the core policy underpinnings of federal securities regulation as the video progresses.
As the new SEC takes shape, I am sure we all will have more to say. I look forward to teaching the Securities Regulation course this semester and will endeavor to post on related teaching items of interest as I come across them.