The business schools of Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Louisiana (Lafayette), and Indiana University (South Bend) have posted openings for legal studies positions. 

I have ties to two of the schools.  Wade Chumney (Georgia Tech) was in my position at Belmont University before I arrived and he provided me with great advice.  Wade seems like he would be a wonderful legal studies colleague.  University of Louisiana (Lafayette) was one of the (very few) schools to make me a tenure track offer when I was first on the market.  The faculty at UL-L were wonderfully hospitable, and I was a big fan of the Cajun food, music, and culture.  Plus, how many schools have a lake/swamp with (small) alligators in the middle of campus?  Proximity to family was the deciding factor in my decision, and I highly recommend the school. 

I don’t have any personal information about Indiana University (South Bend), but I think there is a lot of be said for the public education system.

All three of these positions are solid opportunities that our readers on the market may be interested in pursuing.  Given the well-publicized challenges facing many law schools, it would not be surprising if many current law professors were among those looking at legal studies positions in business schools.

The information on these positions is after the break.  Business school legal studies positions tend to be more poorly publicized than law school professor positions, and while I will try to post good positions to this website, if you are interested in teaching law in a business school, it might be worth the $30 (new member price) to join the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, view their job postings, and receive the e-mails.

Previously, I wrote about some of the differences I see in teaching at a business school and teaching at a law school.     

[Position Details After the Break]

Georgia Tech:  This position is publicly posted, as of February 27, 2014. "For priority review, please send a vita and cover letter indicating your education, relevant experience, research publications and interests no later than April 1, 2014 to" More information is available here.  

University of Louisiana (Lafayette):

A Member of the University of Louisiana System

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

POSITION: Assistant Professor of Legal Studies EEO # BA 4-09

RESPONSIBLITIES: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Legal Studies, conduct scholarly research, and discharge duties relative to departmental, college, and university service and activities associated with a university faculty appointment. A commitment to conducting peer-reviewed published research and related scholarly endeavors is essential.

QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant must possess a Juris Doctorate degree from an accredited American Bar Association school and have a current license to practice law in any state. Applicants must have an excellent academic record and demonstrate the ability to engage in high-quality teaching and research. Applicants must have authored (or co-authored) at least three articles in the past five years that have been accepted for publication in refereed, peer-reviewed business journals, legal journals, or law reviews. Evidence of participation in professional organizations is encouraged. Applicants must also provide evidence of undergraduate and graduate teaching effectiveness, particularly of the Uniform Commercial Code, and preferably have some experience and/or interest in teaching hybrid or online distance learning courses. Preference will be given to applicants showing evidence of the development and implementation of executive professional development or community service legal programs.

ADMINISTRATIVE The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is one of eight publicly supported universities

UNIT: governed by the University of Louisiana System. It consists of nine degree granting units: the Colleges of the Arts; Liberal Arts; Education; Engineering; General Studies; Nursing and Allied Health Professions; the Ray P. Authement College of Sciences; the B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration; and the Graduate School. The University has an enrollment of 16,700 students with a faculty of 600. The University offers undergraduate degrees in 53 disciplines, the master’s degree in 28 disciplines, and the doctorate in 10 disciplines.

The B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration consists of four academic units in the disciplines of Accounting; Economics and Finance; Management; and Marketing and Hospitality. The College has an enrollment of 2,800 students with a full-time faculty of 50. In addition, there is an MBA enrollment of 200 students. The College is accredited by AACSB International. The Department of Marketing and Hospitality has a faculty of 13 with 485 students majoring in the degree program of Marketing and 150 students majoring in Hospitality Management. The Department participates in the MBA program and provides instruction as a service to the College and the University at the undergraduate level.

SALARY: Competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience.

STARTING DATE: August, 2014

APPLICATIONS: The position will remain open until filled. Candidates must send a letter of application, current vita and transcript, and three letters of reference to:

Geoffrey Stewart, Ph.D.

Department Head and Associate Professor

Marketing and Hospitality

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette

P O Box 43490

Lafayette, LA 70504-3490


For priority review, please send a vita and cover letter indicating your education, relevant experience, research publications and interests no later than April 1, 2014 to – See more at:
For priority review, please send a vita and cover letter indicating your education, relevant experience, research publications and interests no later than April 1, 2014 to  – See more at:
For priority review, please send a vita and cover letter indicating your education, relevant experience, research publications and interests no later than April 1, 2014 to  – See more at:

Indiana University (South Bend):

Visiting Assistant or Associate Professor.

Indiana University South Bend is a comprehensive public university with over 7,500 students. It is the third largest campus in the eight-campus Indiana University system. It is located in a residential area of South Bend, serving the Michiana area with a population of approximately 250,000. Lake Michigan is approximately 30 miles north of South Bend, Chicago is only 90 miles west, and Indianapolis is approximately 150 miles to the south.

The Leighton School of Business and Economics is comprised of thirty-four full-time faculty members and currently enrolls about 1200 undergraduate business majors and 200 graduate students. While its first commitment is to high-quality teaching, faculty members publish articles and monographs and present papers at regional, national and international levels. The school is accredited by AACSB-International both at undergraduate and MBA levels. At the undergraduate level, the School offers concentrations in Accounting, Banking, General Business, Economics, Finance, International Business, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Advertising, Human Resource Management, and Small Business and Entrepreneurship. At the graduate level, we offer the Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Accounting, and Master of Science in Management Information Technologies (MS-MIT). Our graduate degrees are carefully tailored to the needs of students who currently hold professional or managerial positions.

QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum qualification is a J.D. A commitment to effective teaching and quality research is essential. Preference is given to scholars with university or college level teaching experience, demonstrated ability to collaborate with colleagues, and evidence of scholarly activity. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate level courses in Business Law. This position has a teaching load of three courses per semester, or nine semester hours, at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels.

COMPENSATION: Competitive (depending upon qualifications).

APPLICATION: Candidates should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, documentation of teaching effectiveness, and evidence of scholarly potential, as well as the names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of three references. Applicants who are not U.S. citizens must state their current visa and residency status. Although the position will remain open until filled, review of complete applications will begin as they arrive, and continue until March 25, 2014. Applications not received by that date will receive secondary consideration. Indiana University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

INQUIRIES TO: Dr. Monle Lee, Search Committee Chair

Leighton School of Business and Economics

Indiana University South Bend

1700 Mishawaka Ave.

PO Box 7111

South Bend, IN 46634-7111

Phone: (574) 520-4145; FAX: (574) 520-4866


Dr. Lee will attend MBAA (Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business) 2014 conference to interview the candidates.