I was traveling to the annual CALI Conference on Law School Computing when this happened, but I thought I would share it, in case you haven’t seen it yet.
Two police officers showed up at the annual meeting of PNE Wind AG, a German company focusing on renewable energy. They sealed the room where votes were tabulated and seized documents, apparently to investigate vote-tampering charges filed by two of PNE Wind’s supervisory board members.
Not surprisingly, the company’s stock price dropped more 13% in the two days following the meeting. It rebounded afterward but, curiously, has dropped another 6% in the week since authorities announced that no further investigation was warranted. But a few other things have been going on in Europe in the last week, so the second drop may not have anything to do with the investigation.
Put this at the top of your list of things that can go wrong at the annual meeting.
I was at the CALI meeting to speak on How to Ruin a Presentation with PowerPoint. All the CALI presentations will be posted on YouTube, so I’ll let you know when links are available, if you want to see it or any of the other presentations.