"though knowledge is present in all economic interaction, it is also dispersed in the economy such that no individual mind can ever centralize it all. This 'knowledge problem' implies, as Hayek has argued, the impossibility of central planning" https://t.co/3qkGEenj6E #corpgov
— Stefan Padfield (@ProfPadfield) March 28, 2018
"Barclays Wins Its DOJ Gamble With $2 Billion Mortgage Settlement … shares erased a drop of almost 1 percent after the news, closing 0.2 percent higher" https://t.co/r0VwWmkS6J #corpgov
— Stefan Padfield (@ProfPadfield) March 29, 2018
"Dodd-Frank has had an effect analogous to that of a Pigouvian tax—what we call a 'Pigouvian regulation.'" https://t.co/HwdGoOTQhk #corpgov
— Stefan Padfield (@ProfPadfield) March 29, 2018
"We show that, on average, takeover protection increases firm value. This effect is partly driven by innovative firms expanding their R&D activities." https://t.co/PWI0zi5cu3 #corpgov
— Stefan Padfield (@ProfPadfield) March 29, 2018
"market power gains enable the merged entity to increase the price of..goods..Wealthy SHs..benefit more frm share price increases than they are harmed by the increased cost of goods..However, the reverse may be true for less wealthy SHs & society" https://t.co/3YEyRCHpCn #corpgov
— Stefan Padfield (@ProfPadfield) March 29, 2018