In reading today’s Financial Times, Kate Beioley’s Corporate lawyers in high demand as coronavirus hits businesses (here -subscription required) caught my attention.  The informative article mentioned a recent Skadden report, Coronavirus/COVID-19 Update (here).  I thought the report provided a helpful overview of ways in which the coronavirus “may impact their [businesses'] operations and employees,” in areas including M&A activity, securities disclosures, securities litigation, annual meetings, supply chain disruptions, equity derivatives, commercial agreements, employment, and cybersecurity.  In particular, I found the discussion in the M&A section of a review of MAC provisions in 31 recent purchase agreements really interesting.  I encourage BLPB readers to review the report.

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Photo of Colleen Baker Colleen Baker

PhD (Wharton) Professor Baker is an expert in banking and financial institutions law and regulation, with extensive knowledge of over-the-counter derivatives, clearing, the Dodd-Frank Act, and bankruptcy, in addition to being a mediator and arbitrator.

Previously, she spent time at the U. of…

PhD (Wharton) Professor Baker is an expert in banking and financial institutions law and regulation, with extensive knowledge of over-the-counter derivatives, clearing, the Dodd-Frank Act, and bankruptcy, in addition to being a mediator and arbitrator.

Previously, she spent time at the U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Business, the U. of Notre Dame Law School, and Villanova University Law School. She has consulted for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and for The Volcker Alliance.  Prior to academia, Professor Baker worked as a legal professional and as an information technology associate. She is a member of the State Bars of NY and TX. Read More