Over at Law & Liberty (here), David Osborne argues that Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski could impact "attack and retreat" strategies employed by labor unions. Here is a brief excerpt:
Attack, retreat. Attack, retreat. Unfortunately, this is the tactical offensive increasingly used by the country’s biggest public-sector unions to keep dues money flowing. They “attack” by imposing unconstitutional, restrictive policies on public employees but “retreat” whenever they are challenged in court. Historically, it has allowed union officials to avoid important court rulings that would otherwise allow public employees to choose whether to become or remain union members.
But the Supreme Court may put an end to it this term….
The Court will hear a free speech case, Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski, that could have profound implications for public-sector union members who want to resign their union membership but keep their jobs. On its face, the case [involving two college students who distributed religious literature outside their college campus’s “free speech zones”] has nothing to do with public-sector unions. But Uzuegbunam has turned into a case about an important justiciability issue called “mootness”—and about the courts’ willingness to protect constitutional rights.