THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ROSENBERG COLLEGE OF LAW invites applications for an entry-level or lateral, tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, beginning in August 2025. The College is seeking to fill needs in several areas of law, up to two faculty positions this year. We are interested in considering candidates who teach and/or research in Commercial Law, Contracts, Secured Transactions, and Bankruptcy as well as others not included in this list of priorities. We may consider an applicant for a full Professor position. The Rosenberg College of Law is an important part of a major research university and offers a collegial and supportive atmosphere for its faculty, staff, and students. Applicants should have a J.D. or equivalent law degree, a record of high academic achievement, and a demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching and in scholarly productivity. Salary for this position will be commensurate with experience.

To receive consideration for this position, applicants must apply through the University of Kentucky’s Integrated Employment System at where they can submit a letter of application and resume. Please send any questions to Faculty Appointments Committee Chair Alan Kluegel,, or by mail at the University of Kentucky Rosenberg College of Law, 620 South Limestone, Lexington, KY 40506-0048.

The University of Kentucky provides a range of employee benefits to its faculty. There are several healthcare plans available. Faculty are also eligible to participate in the University's retirement plan. Essentially, the University will deduct five percent of your salary and contribute it to the plan of your choice (among several investment alternatives), and the University contributes an additional ten percent to the plan. Several other insurance policies are available to faculty members. We can help you obtain further information on these benefits from Human Resources, or you can go to their website for additional Information (

Lexington is in the center of the Bluegrass, an internationally acclaimed cultural landscape, and in close proximity to Louisville and Cincinnati. It is a community of 300,000 and is distinguished by its rating as one of the top 10 most educated cities in the nation (according to the U.S. Census), top 5 cities for young professionals (Kiplinger), top 3 mid-sized cities for lowest cost of living (KPMG LLP), and top 5 cities to raise a family (Forbes). More information on Lexington is available at and

The University of Kentucky is an Equal Opportunity University that values diversity and inclusion. Individuals with disabilities, individuals from minoritized populations, veterans, women, and members of other underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.