Vermont Law and Graduate School (VLGS), invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions for required JD and upper-level JD courses including Income Tax, Estates, and Business Law courses.  Entry-level, junior, and senior lateral candidates will be considered. The school's curricular needs include both residential and online courses.  Candidates should demonstrate evidence of, or potential for, outstanding scholarly achievement and strong, innovative, and engaged residential and/or online teaching. In addition to teaching, faculty provide service to VLGS and engage with other professionals and the public to contribute to the intellectual exchange of ideas, improve the law, and educate the public about the law, with an eye towards social justice.

Applicants must complete an online application and electronically submit (1) a cover letter; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) a research agenda; and (4) the names and contact information of three references at….

 VLGS will only contact references for finalists. VLGS strongly encourages applications from those who would bring increased diversity to our community.

Direct inquiries about the position to Faculty Appointments Committee Chair, Anna Connolly at

The positions will remain open until filled.