On October 16th, the US Chamber of Commerce’s
Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness will host a half-day event to
examine trends from the 2013 proxy season and look ahead to 2014. The day
will start with a presentation from the Manhattan Institute about the 2013 season
and then I will be on a panel with Tony Horan, the Corporate Secretary of
JP Morgan Chase, Vineeta Anand from the Office of Investment of the AFL-CIO,
and Darla Stuckey of the Society of Corporate Secretaries and Governance
Professionals. Our panel will look back at the 2013 proxy season and discuss hot
topics in corporate governance in general. Later in the day, Harvey Pitt
and other panelists will talk about future trends and reform proposals, and
depending on the state of the government shutdown, we expect a
member of Congress to be the keynote speaker. The event will be webcast for
those who cannot make it to DC. Click here
to register.