With winter break nearly upon us this means grading, writing projects, and possibly some conference travel with the upcoming AALS annual meeting. I plan on putting together my AALS talk (on incorporating experiential exercises in teaching LLCs) next week, and have drawn inspiration from the following image:
The Business Law programs are on Saturday, January 4th and are listed below. If you would like to highlight other programs, please respond in the comments, and I will add to the list.
- 10:30 am – 12:15 pm Agency, Partnership, LLCs, and Unincorporated Associations
Effective Methods for Teaching LLCs and Unincorporated Business Arrangements
- The program will explore: The … topic of effectively teaching LLCs.
- 2:00 pm – 3:45 pm Business Associations
The Value Proposition for Business Associations in Tomorrow’s Legal Education
- The panel will be exploring: How does business associations teaching and scholarship contribute to the U.S. program of legal education? How could or should it contribute? What role does the basic law school course on business associations play in an optimized law school curriculum? What course content, pedagogy, and teaching tools best support that role? How does business associations scholarship inform and support that role?
- 4:00 pm – 5:45 pm Transactional Law and Skills
Value Creation By Business Lawyers in the 21st Century
- On the thirtieth anniversary of the influential article by Professor Ronald Gilson’s “Value Creation by Business Lawyers” this program will re-examine Professor Gilson’s thesis, evaluate the impact of the article, and discuss the prospects for business lawyers creating value in the 21st Century. The panel will feature Professor Gilson, invited participants, and scholarly works selected from a call for papers.
This is my first year attending the AALS conference, and am going whole hog with plans to also attend the mid-year meeting in June, which will be a workshop on Blurring Boundaries in Financial and Corporate Law. The call for papers (expired) includes a program description and is available here: http://www.aals.org/mm2014/AALS_2014_MM_RFP.pdf
-Anne Tucker