Passing on this announcement for those interested in teaching business and human rights or learning more about it. I had the opportunity to meet many of the professors who teach in this area at the UN Conference on Business and Human Rights in Geneva in December and they and outside counsel from around the world discussed the need for more law and business students to understand these issues so that graduates could advise clients of all sizes. Contact Anthony Ewing from Columbia Law for more information.
Teaching Business and Human RightsWorkshop
Thursday and Friday, May 15-16th, 2014
Columbia University, New York, NY
We are pleased to announce that the fourth annual Teaching Business and Human Rights Workshop will take place at Columbia University in New York on Thursday andFriday, May 15-16th, 2014.
The Columbia Teaching Business and HumanRights Forum is a unique platform for collaboration among individuals teaching business and human rights worldwide. The first Workshop, in 2011, led to the creation of an Online Forum that has grown to include more than 175 participants in twenty-five countries. Last year’s Workshop convened forty individuals teaching at thirty-one institutions in ten countries. Discussion Summaries of the first three Forum Workshops are available on the website of the Business and Human RightsResource Centre
This year’s agenda based on Forum participant suggestions, covers a range of topics, both practical and thematic. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for teachers in various disciplines to share strategies and discuss issues of common concern. Each agenda item will be moderated with one or two participants asked to make brief presentations to kick off discussion. We are also inviting a limited number of practitioners from business and advocacy organizations in order to increase interaction between the classroom and the field of practice. 
The Workshop will open on Thursday afternoon,and feature a discussion with corporate responsibility leaders. More details on Thursday’s venue, the informal dinner, and session speakers to come.
If you will attend the Workshop, please provide the information in the attached registration formand e-mail it by Friday, May 2nd to: Greta Moseson (Program Manager, Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute).
We can accommodate up to forty participants. In the event we reach capacity before the RSVP date, we will send out a notification that registration has closed. We are exploring some form of video streaming capacity for Forum participants unable to attend in person.
There is no cost to attend the Workshop. Participants must cover their own travel costs. (Information on area hotels is available here.)
Online Forum
If you would like to participate in the online Forum and have not received login information, let us know so we can generate an automated invitation (from “”).
Syllabi Bank
A valuable feature of the Forum and Workshop is the exchange and discussion of course syllabi. There are currently thirty-five syllabi available to participants who have submitted their own, on a password-protected site. If you would like to submit, replace, or remove your syllabus, please contact Greta Moseson.
We look forward to seeing many of you in May.
Anthony Ewing                                             Joanne Bauer                   
Lecturer in Law                                             Adjunct Professor
Columbia Law School                                    SIPA/School of Continuing Education, Columbia University