"How Hobby Lobby Undermined The Very Idea of a Corporation" http://t.co/Rq4F6LKpCr
— Ian Bogost (@ibogost) July 5, 2014
Greenfield op ed in Globe on 'Hobby Lobby' Case: 'We've been had' http://t.co/EWDmWWtaym #BCexperts @BostonCollege
— Boston College Law (@BCLAW) July 8, 2014
How #SCOTUS "breathed life into corporate form" and gave corporations ways to cut corners http://t.co/sEUsGlXrtK @ProfCiara #WhyCourtsMatter
— WhyCourtsMatter (@WhyCourtsMatter) July 8, 2014
"how the common law has personified the state and how those personifications affect … state responsibility" http://t.co/faAgRTY8cR
— Stefan Padfield (@ProfPadfield) July 10, 2014
ICYMI: "Hosanna-Tabor..appears to [=] religious groups are different from secular groups for constitutional purposes" http://t.co/rydH7PM1zr
— Stefan Padfield (@ProfPadfield) July 10, 2014
"a corporation has no purposes..separate from those of the people who own and control it" & the state that created it http://t.co/J157qm2PTK
— Stefan Padfield (@ProfPadfield) July 11, 2014