One of the things that’s fascinated me about this strange time we’re living in is how it’s altered our buying habits.
For sure, some alterations were pretty predictable: more demand for work-from-home tools, computers, sanitizers, and protective gear (certainly, some people seem to have made very accurate forecasts.)
But some of the reports are less intuitive. For example, lots of people have turned to home baking – either because they have more time or because they don’t/can’t buy in stores – leading to a yeast shortage. (Except, as this Twitterer explains, you can always make your own, a philosophy that many have apparently extended to eggs).
Other people have figured now’s a good time to care for a pet, emptying out NYC’s shelters. Or to pretend you’re still in college.
People seeking ways to amuse themselves have turned to jigsaw puzzles and, umm, other things.
On Zoom, nobody can tell if you’re drunk. (Maybe.) They definitely can't tell what you’re wearing from the waist down, though (unless you show them).
You’ve all heard about the toilet paper shortages, but I appreciated this explanation for them.
And then, we have handy lists of the things that even in times of desperation, no one seems to want.