Martin Gelter & Geneviève Helleringer posted “Constituency
Directors and Corporate Fiduciary Duties
” on SSRN a few weeks ago, and I’m
finally getting around to passing on the abstract:

In this chapter, we identify a fundamental contradiction in
the law of fiduciary duty of corporate directors across jurisdictions, namely
the tension between the uniformity of directors’ duties and the heterogeneity
of directors themselves. Directors are often formally or informally selected by
specific shareholders (such as a venture capitalist or an important
shareholder) or other stakeholders of the corporation (such as creditors or
employees), or they are elected to represent specific types of shareholders
(e.g. minority investors). In many jurisdictions, the law thus requires or
facilitates the nomination of what has been called “constituency” directors.
Legal rules tend nevertheless to treat directors as a homogeneous group that is
expected to pursue a uniform goal. We explore this tension and suggest that it
almost seems to rise to the level of hypocrisy: Why do some jurisdictions
require employee representatives that are then seemingly not allowed to
strongly advocate employee interests? Looking at US, UK, German and French law,
our chapter explores this tension from the perspective of economic and
behavioral theory.